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Suntem organizatori sau coorganizatori la:
- MARATONUL, SEMIMARATONUL ȘI CROSUL ARADULUI, alaturi de Consiliul Judetean Arad, Primaria Municipiului Arad si Centrul Cultural Judetean Arad;
“The habit of running” (THOR) is an EVS initiative of Multisport Experience Sport Club from Arad in west Romania. In general project involves 10 EVS volunteers from different countries spending 9 months each stage, in Romania, leading the active an ... ...citeste mai mult
This website was realised for ”Support for Sport” project. This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the author, neither the Commission nor ANPCDEFP cannot be held responsib ... ...citeste mai mult
“Many faces of the bicycle” Project type: European Voluntary Service from Erasmus plus programme Title: “Many faces of the bicycle”. Duration: 9 (nine) months with stages starting in 01.10.2016 Venue: ... ...citeste mai mult
FOR ENGLISH VERSION PLEASE SEE BELOW PROMOTING SPORT Corpul European de Solidaritate - Proiect de voluntariat european (Detalii precum și creare cont și alăturare platformei online de oportunități ESC - PASS: https://euro ... ...citeste mai mult