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This website was realised for ”Support for Sport” project. This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the author, neither the Commission nor ANPCDEFP cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
SUPPORT FOR SPORT - European Voluntary Service project - KA 1 Mobility Programme - ERASMUS+
Project period: 09.2014-12.2015
EVS Volunteers stage: 8/9 months, 02-11.2015
Project description
The promotion of sport activities through actions of CSEM organization comes from the deep belief that sport is the support of human health, well-being, gives motivation, gives energy and most of all is a great integration tool for local neighborhoods. In our organization we were supporting one another, having inspiration from each other and great examples of people like Mosion Gheorghe – member of our organization and one of the most senior runners in Romania: at the age of 81 still active in half-marathons! Those examples plus statistics regarding positive influence of making sport, especially running, on human health is the ground for the actions of our organization. In Arad, like in other areas, every one person out of 4 suffers from heart disease (statistics realised by the Arad Public Health Direction). The areas of intervention for promoting heart’s health include: encouraging physical activity, a healthy diet and avoiding smoking. Another problem we want to deal with is the fact that among the negative current trends at the national level, which are found in a study called ”Emerging needs of children in Romania” conducted by FDSC in 2009, there is also stated that physical activities were replaced with those from the virtual environment.
One of our goals, established in 2013 is to have at least 1% (around 1500 persons) of the population of Arad involved into a one day sport event. We aim to do it before the end of 2015.
So, with this project and thanks to the help of EVS volunteers we would like to give better support to the goals of our organization and bring them on a new level. The need for volunteers is clear; in some events we need at least 100 in order to have a good flow of the activities for amateurs.
We strictly connect promotion of sport and the aforementioned activities in local neighborhoods with the EVS volunteers gaining new competences that may be useful to find a job later – this is why this project is addressed firstly and foremost to young people of fewer opportunities regarding their lower than average chances to find job, unemployed persons, underqualified, early school leavers and so on. We aim at this particular target group, to have them here, to train them and to check their abilities in practice while supporting us in organizing sports events, so they would learn valuable life and work related lesson and become more competitive on the job market everywhere – young people with skills, abilities, competences and high self-esteem.
The tasks and objectives are described below:
1) The EVS volunteers will practice at least one sport for at least 3 hours every week during the 9 months of the stage.
The volunteers will have the possibility to choose an activity from at least the following 3 sports which the organization promotes: running, cycling, and swimming. Also, they will be encouraged to be involved in at least 2 sports events but this time as participants and not in the organizing team.
2) The EVS volunteers will participate in intensive training courses focused on at least 5 subjects from the list below, during the 9 months of the stage.
The subjects available will be the ones here and the selection is based on their preferences and the needs of the partnership:
• Romanian language
• Organizing events from outside to inside
• Identifying, mapping the stakeholders
• Promoting the events
• Benefits of sports
• Running, cycling – basics
• How to film, how to take proper photos
• Leadership, how to lead people
3) The volunteers will be involved in organizing at least 4 sports events for amateurs during the 9 months of the stage, in 2015.
After the training courses, once they are ready, they will start to put into practice what they will have learnt so far in at least 3 events of CSEM from at least the ones listed below:
• Marathon, half marathon and road running of Arad
• Tomato festival on bikes
• Casoaia Bike Race
• The Green Duathlon
- other
Finally, the volunteers will create and organize at least one small sport event, at some point during the 9 months of the stage, on their preference this time and here they will be able to apply everything they learnt in terms of necessary competences in the field of organizing sports events. Finally they will have at least 4 events in which they will take an active part.
4) Encouraging at least 1000 persons to be involved in sporting activities as an essential part of the healthy lifestyle - during the 9 months of the stage
The EVS volunteers will play an active role in developing a dissemination plan and act according to it, in order to promote a healthy behavior among the inhabitants of Arad County and Romania.
5) During the 9 months of the stage, the EVS volunteers will teach at least 20 local volunteers what they accomplished in organizing sports events and how to prepare the future local teams that will continue their work in 2016.
It is time to share with the others the competences acquired, to celebrate the whole process, to prepare the local teams which will act on the field in 2016 when they will no longer be there but their work will be continued!
Project summary
“Support for sport” is the initiative of Clubul Sportiv Experienta Multisport (CSEM) an organization from Arad in western Romania. It is KA1, European Voluntary Service project from Erasmus+ programme. The project involves 10 volunteers from 5 countries and 7 sending organizations. Volunteering stages are scheduled for the period between February 2015 and October 2015. During those 9 months of stage duration, EVS volunteers will support CSEM organization in popularizing sport activities in the local neighborhood of Arad as well as at a national and international level. Through tailored EVS volunteers’ activities participants will gain the necessary skills and abilities to level up their qualifications in organizing events, with special emphasis on the theme of sport.
Activities done during the project will be described as competences in the Youthpass and Europass tools, which will make participating EVS volunteers more competitive on the job market in the future. Unique – through sport – opportunities of integration to local neighborhood of Arad and Romania, also open up possibilities of working in Romania for EVS volunteers as well as collaborating after EVS stage for popularizing sports activities and organizing events with sport as theme. The project SFS has a perfect balance between outdoor and indoor activities. Outdoor activities offer possibilities of making 3 sports regularly – running, biking or swimming. Indoor activities offer possibilities of interacting at local, national and international level with sports enthusiasts as well as amateurs and people who would like to make some sport. Indoor activities of the EVS volunteers will result in unique compilation of knowledge and good practice tool: an online e-book which will consist in the compilation of links to every single website devoted to SFS project. That compilation of links in the online e-book will give a unique experience of decentralized reading to the public, possibility of using the elements of it on the basis of open license and most of all, opportunity of experiencing a never-ending book as the content of the project will grow long after EVS stage will finish. One of the basic features of EVS volunteers’ learning process will be to get trained by CSEM organization and pass forward their learning experience by training locals, Romanian speaking volunteers, making SFS project successful from the point of view of integration as well. The target groups of the SFS project – participants of sports events supported by EVS volunteers or co-created by them are from all possible social backgrounds and age groups therefore SFS project will also have the dimension of intergenerational exchange. SFS project is a unique combination of many learning and integration elements to underline the concept of volunteering and its long lasting impact plus the never-ending need for it.
Some of the representative indicators of this project can be seen here:
- N° of hours of physical activities/EVS volunteer – at least 115 hours/stage;
- N° of training courses delivered to the EVS volunteers – at least 8;
- N° of events where the EVS volunteers participate in the organizing team: at least 4;
- N° of persons informed by the EVS volunteers about the benefits of sport and healthy lifestyle customs: at least 1000;
- N° of local volunteers trained by EVS volunteers in order to continue their work: at least 20;
- N° of visitors on web-sites, number of viewers of the project’s results: at least 5000;
- N° of local/national/international partnerships realized for the promotion of events healthy lifestyle: 100;
- N° of participants in the sports events where the EVS volunteers are involved: at least 1000;