
You can contact us at
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0722 977094, 0768600112;

Project:      Many Faces Of The BICYCLE     


During the project, the volunteers achieved their objective of creating partnerships with over 10 local institutions. We would like to tank everybody for their envolvement. The partenrs were: Schools Liceul ” Adam Müller Guttenbrunn” Arad; Colegiul National “Elena Ghiba Birta”, Colegiul National “Moise Nicoara”, Associations & Fundations Fundatia “Vis de copil”, Complexul Educa?ional Curcubeu, Asociatia Euromediu; Asociatia Millennium Center, Asociatia Persoanelor cu Dizabilitati Intelectuale ,,Integra” Arad, Companies S.C. Pure Fittness S.R.L., S.C. Racing Bike Shop S.R.L., S.C. Lexus Publicitate S.R.L., Institutions Directia Judeteana de Sport si Tineret Arad, Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala, Protectia Copilului Arad, Parcul Natural Lunca Muresului Arad.